Quality & Environment Policy

Kitagawa Electronics (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. adopts our

head office quality policy of:

To Advance Together With Our Valued Customers Through Creativity And Improvement
  • This quality policy has been established in compliance with laws/ regulations and for the improvement of customer satisfaction level that is paramount in our thinking.
  • We will make necessary modifications to our quality policy if it needs to be revised.
  • Each department in the company will set and pursue quality objectives every year.
  • We will carry out a management review annually.
  • By making continual improvements, we will seek after a quality management system that is effective for business management, as well as pursuing customer satisfaction.
  • We will supply management resources required to carry out this policy.

Download Our ISO Quality Management Certificate

To meet our environment policy, the company implements the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System to:
  • Comply with all Singapore environmental laws and regulations and requirements of those of other interested parties.
  • Promote environmental awareness throughout the company.
  • Strive to prevent pollution, to utilize energy and resources effectively and to reduce and dispose of waste in a responsible manner.
  • Develop and implement environmental programmes for continual improvement.
  • Manage and control operations in order to minimise environmental pollution impact on the health and safety of every employee.
  • This policy shall be made available to any members of the public who wishes to know about Kitagawa’s environmental management system.

Download Our ISO Environmental Management Certificate

ENVIRONMENT POLICYKitagawa Electronics (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
recognizes environmental conservation as one of
our most important mission.

We regard it as an integral element in all our business activities. We assume responsibility for
environmental conservation and practise this company-wide.